Digital Manufacturing Ireland (DMI) launches the Visual Cognitive Manufacturing Group (VCMG) today, an industry collaboration initiative to drive increased deployment of vision technology across manufacturing.
The VCMG will facilitate best-in-class computer vision combined with artificial intelligence manufacturing solutions to boost the competitiveness of manufacturers in Ireland as part of a vibrant and agile Industry 4.0 ecosystem.
The VCMG will be one of several industry collaboration groups formed by Digital Manufacturing Ireland that will offer Centres of Excellence (CoEs) across the manufacturing ecosystem. The goal of these DMI CoEs is to develop solutions to real-world manufacturing challenges through uniquely collaborative groups such as the VCMG.
The VCMG was launched at DMI headquarters at the National Technology Park in Limerick, with the support and participation of IDA Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, Engineering Industries Ireland, universities, and host of world leading vision technology vendors.
Working with DMI, the VCMG will support industry to deploy and apply visual cognition technologies, and to employ this technology-type to improve the processes for Irish-based medical device and pharmaceutical manufacturers competing at a global level. The VCMG steering group includes Ubotica, West Pharma, Boston Scientific, Medtronic, Abbot and Johnson & Johnson, as well as involving academic representation.
Domhnall Carroll, CEO of Digital Manufacturing Ireland, said: “The reason for establishing this centre of excellence is to support our activities in placing Ireland at the forefront of next generation manufacturing – where AI based technologies, in particular computer vision systems, will be fundamental to both the long-term sustainability of Ireland’s manufacturing base and to the ability to increase our value add in global supply chains”.
Bill O’Leary, Director of Global Operations, Manufacturing Digitalisation at West Pharmaceutical Services, and member of the VCMG steering group, said: “To take full advantage of the transformative potential of Industry 4.0 as well as technologies and methodologies such as IoT, predictive analytics, machine learning, virtual and augmented realities, and Digital Twin, it is critically important that companies like West are outward-facing and engaging with the best practitioners and exponents in these areas. We have significant in-house expertise in some of these areas, but the benefit of dealing with shared challenges together with other pre-eminent medical device companies is one that must not be overlooked.”
Media Contact:
Mark Mulqueen, Director of Marketing, Digital Manufacturing Ireland, mark.mulqueen@dmireland.org
About Digital Manufacturing Ireland:
Digital Manufacturing Ireland is an industry-led national organization that enables Irish-based manufacturers to access, adopt and accelerate new digital technologies, solving real-world challenges, and driving future competitiveness.
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