Collaboration Groups
A unique technology stack with an end-to-end digital factory

DMI facilitates the establishment of collaboration groups that offer Centres of Excellence (CoEs) across the manufacturing ecosystem. The goal of these CoEs is to develop solutions to real-world manufacturing challenges through a uniquely collaborative process.
The CoEs make use of the core expertise and infrastructure of DMI (project managers, collaboration managers, data scientists, and digital assets) in addition to seconded resources from collaboration partners to form focused and results-driven industry collaboration groups.
The CoEs have stakeholder steering committees that provide direction, governance, and define the charter for each particular collaborative theme. As work progresses, the output of each CoE will be disseminated to stakeholders and the wider participants of the manufacturing ecosystem.
Visual Cognitive-Manufacturing Group
The goal of the Visual Cognitive Manufacturing Group (VCMG) is for Ireland to become a global leader in the research, development and deployment of vision technology as used in the manufacturing domain.

Workforce of the Future
The purpose for the Workforce of the Future (CoE) is to deliver strategies, frameworks and initiatives that drive a human-centric approach to digital transformation, including HCM Culture best practices, connected frontline worker initiatives along with learning, training and skills transformation strategies.
