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Transforming Value Chains Through Innovative Technology Adoption

An industry-led national organisation that enables Irish-based manufacturers to access, adopt and accelerate new digital technologies solving real-world challenges and driving future competitiveness.


Our vision is to position Irish manufacturing at the forefront of digital transformation and to ensure that Ireland is recognised internationally as having a vibrant, collaborative, competitive and digitally enabled industry base, ideally suited to delivering the next generation of manufacturing.

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Our Work

A unique proposition to support the next wave of manufacturing success in Ireland

Digital Manufacturing Ireland delivers an exemplary physical and virtual environment via the ‘Digital Factory’ for manufacturers to develop and scale digitally-enabled solutions to solve industry challenges safely, before deployment in a live environment.

With a specific focus on enabling and creating efficiencies in manufacturing processes, Digital Manufacturing Ireland can support ALL manufacturers, including both MNCs and SMEs, to reduce overheads and maximise the potential of their operations.

Additionally, Digital Manufacturing Ireland informs and drives cultural change and upskilling through research, targeted workshops, specialist training and access to experts leveraging leading technology and practices.

Our Facilities

A World class facility led by a team of experts

Digital Transformation Space

Visitors can explore the art of the possible in advanced manufacturing through national and international case studies, technology exemplars and exciting user stories, highlighting the impact of digital transformation on their business.

Digital Manufacturing Suite

The world of digital manufacturing can be further explored here where global technology innovators have partnered with DMI to make fully functional and integrated digital tools available to visitors. The suite will focus on transformation across the full value chain from digital product and production design to virtual reality maintenance, training and cyber security solutions. Here visitors can see how the adoption of innovative manufacturing technologies can help their organisation prepare for the future.

Training & Collaboration Rooms

With three different collaboration spaces, manufacturers can test and scale late-stage technology and digital processes in real-time alongside DMI’s expert team and support their people with digital learning and development.


key features

World-class purpose-built facility of national significance
Potential to support hundreds of projects across Ireland in the next four years
€40 million investment by the Government of Ireland
Supporting ALL manufacturers, both SMEs and MNCs to reduce overheads and maximise the potential of their operations and future competitiveness
3,300 square metre facility with 1,200 square metre state of the art ‘digital factory’ space
Manufacturing is central to the Irish economy, accounting for over 270,000 jobs, €100bn in exports and 34% of Ireland’s GDP
Drive cultural change through research, specialist upskilling and expertise, leveraging leading technology and best-practice in human-centric manufacturing

How We Do It


Digital Transformation Strategy
Supporting organisations to make their digital step-change, building an enterprise transformation strategy.
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Innovative Technology Adoption
Enabling state-of-the-future technology adoption and integrating it into the existing manufacturing footprint.
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Human-Centric Manufacturing
Supporting manufacturer’s teams during the transformation process - staying with them to ensure successful human adoption.
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Manufacturing Operations & Supply Chain
Helping manufacturers transition their workforce (and wider supply chain) into one that embraces transformative strategic change.
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Operations Readiness
DMI supports the successful deployment of new technology across the enterprise to ensure no business disruption, while enabling a successful transformation.
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Sustainable Deployment
Delivering sustainable gains, consistent improvement, using new digital metrics, resulting in enterprise-wide embedded cultural behaviour change.
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latest news, stories and content

First of its kind Machine Vision Accelerator to be established by Digital Manufacturing Ireland

First of its kind Machine Vision Accelerator to be established by Digital Manufacturing Ireland

Mar 5, 2025
Digital Manufacturing Ireland (DMI) is excited to announce the launch of the Vision Accelerator at its headquarters in Limerick, Ireland.
DMI shares a snapshot of our journey so far

DMI shares a snapshot of our journey so far

Mar 3, 2025
DMI is proud to share our journey so far, including industry engagements, projects, ongoing initiatives, and insights from those who have been part of our growth.
Human-centric manufacturing culture: a research study of MedTech manufacturers in Ireland

Human-centric manufacturing culture: a research study of MedTech manufacturers in Ireland

Jan 31, 2025
DMI is delighted to share with you our Human-Centric Manufacturing Research journal article that has been published online by Taylor & Francis, Production & Manufacturing Research.
New National Centre of Excellence for Data Driven Manufacturing to be established

New National Centre of Excellence for Data Driven Manufacturing to be established

Jan 2, 2024
Digital Manufacturing Ireland (DMI), the national body for driving digital transformation in manufacturing, is to establish a new national Centre of Excellence for Data Driven Manufacturing.
DMI announces appointment of Intel Corporation’s Ann-Marie Holmes to Board of Directors

DMI announces appointment of Intel Corporation’s Ann-Marie Holmes to Board of Directors

Sep 18, 2023
Digital Manufacturing Ireland (DMI) today announced the appointment of Ann-Marie Holmes, Corporate VicePresident of Manufacturing, Supply Chain and Operations Group at Intel Corporation, to the Digital Manufacturing Ireland Board of Directors.
VCMG: Autumn Update 2023

VCMG: Autumn Update 2023

Sep 8, 2023
DMI was delighted to launch the Visual Cognitive Manufacturing Group (VCMG) in May, an industry collaboration initiative to drive increased deployment of vision technology across manufacturing. Explore this update on the VCMG and the progress made to-date.
DMI study explores a human-centric approach to digital manufacturing

DMI study explores a human-centric approach to digital manufacturing

Jul 19, 2023
DMI in partnership with the Sociotechnical Systems Research Center at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the International Academy of Automation Engineering (IAAE) is undertaking a research study on human centric manufacturing culture.
VCMG News: 12 Challenges to be addressed by the Visual Cognitive Manufacturing Group members

VCMG News: 12 Challenges to be addressed by the Visual Cognitive Manufacturing Group members

Jun 1, 2023
Following the launch of the VCMG by Digital Manufacturing Ireland this week, 12 key industry challenges have been selected by manufacturing companies to be addressed by our wider membership.
New industry collaboration group launched for best-in-class vision technology solutions

New industry collaboration group launched for best-in-class vision technology solutions

May 30, 2023
Digital Manufacturing Ireland (DMI) launches the Visual Cognitive Manufacturing Group (VCMG) today, an industry collaboration initiative to drive increased deployment of vision technology across manufacturing.
Minister Coveney opens Digital Manufacturing Ireland

Minister Coveney opens Digital Manufacturing Ireland

Mar 27, 2023
Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Simon Coveney TD has today, Monday 27th March 2023, officially opened Digital Manufacturing Ireland (DMI).
AMC Building Nears Completion

AMC Building Nears Completion

Feb 13, 2022
Enjoy a sneak preview of the IDA Ireland's Advanced Manufacturing Centre (AMC) nearing completion. The 3,053m² Industrial Advanced Technology Building s located in the National Technology Park, Co. Limerick.
AMC achieves significant milestones

AMC achieves significant milestones

Dec 12, 2021
IDA Ireland has announced several significant milestones relating to the Advanced Manufacturing Centre (AMC), a new world-class industry-led centre that will enable Irish based FDI and indigenous manufacturers accelerate the adoption of digital technologies into their factory floors and supply chain